donderdag 24 juli 2008

Something else: a little joke... (Een grapje)

I was reading a South African magazine in which a woman, called Giselle Willcox has a column called "Kids Talk". In that column she list a series of funny things which her kids or kids within her family have said...

The following one was soo funny that I could not keep myself from sharing it with you...

Nicolas, her 6 year old nephew had one of the great epiphanies of life.

One night he was in the bath, doing what any self-respecting man-to-be does and examining, literally at great length, his private parts. Suddenly he stumbled upon something quite remarkable - a vein, if you will, in his nether regions, - and naturally, needed to share this biological breakthrough with his mom.

"Mom", he shouted, "Come quickly! I've got something to show you". His mom thinking that the roof had collapsed, rushed upstairs and arrived at the bathroom door to him holdin out his willy at her - as men are wont to do. "What is it, Nicolas?" she asked. Pointing to his new-found vein, Nicolas, in his most exited voice, remarked: "Check here Mom! Look what I found: I found my brains!"

Never a truer word. Wow men are so much more intelligent than I give them credit for....

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