vrijdag 25 juli 2008

Day 14: our wedding anniversary!

July 22, 2000, already 8 years ago... Time really flies! And here we are in South Africa, parents of 2 kids, family of 4... More than one good reason to celebrate!

And how to better do that than going to a great restaurant, enjoying the best South Africa has to offer.

We decide to go to "La Colombe", internationally rated as one of the best restaurants in South Africa, and was named 28th Best Restaurant in the World and Best Restaurant in Africa and the Middle East by UK Restaurant Magazine in 2006.

When we were here 2 years ago, the restaurant was fully booked, so we couldn't try it out. This time it is the winter season and we booked for lunch, so it is very quiet.
A perfect occasion to try out Bonga's restaurant skills...

We were anyhow nervous on how it was going to work out, a nice restaurant, now with two kids. Would one scream and the other one get exited over it? Would we even be able to enjoy?

The morning was not promissing at all. We just did not seem to get started. Both kids were not willing to get out of their pyjama's, took all the time of the world to eat their breakfast and once they were finally dressed, Bonga gave back his milk! To increase the stress level, Elzeth called to see if she could quickly meet us as one important form still had to be signed today...
By the time we got in the car, Wim and myself were strongly doubting if we should not stay home, but the drive to Constantia relaxed us and the childeren were playing together in the back. The baby noices of Bonga, his little screams and Miro's laughs together with an overdosis of childeren's music on our radio (Mega Mindy...) made us all feel very relaxed by the time we arrived.

It was a great lunch. The food was delicious, the wine was great, the price incredible ( a 3 course meal for 210 rand, divide by 12 to get the euro amount...) and our childeren were little angels. Miro proudly set with us at the table and ate everything with great taste (especially the fish!). Bonga enjoyed his bottle and fell asleep! We could not have been prouder and enjoyed a nice romantic lunch.

Everything we ate was superb: Kudu tartare, Beef with porto and truffle sause, hot fondant with ice cream...
The 26th best restaurant of the world is a bit overrated, there are lots of belgian restaurants who can overtop this, however if you compare with quality and price, there is indeed none...

So, if you come to the Cape Town area, we definetely recommend you try this one out for yourself!

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