On Saturday, we drove towards Houtbay and made a stop at a little beach called Llandudno. We read is was considered to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the surroundings of Cape Town and it was indeed. It is set in an exclusive neighbourhood and is definetely one of the most photogenic beaches in Cape Town and great for surfers. The walk to the beach was not an easy one, we had to go steap downhill and with a baby stroller, a toddler and heaps of luggage is was quiet a challenge. The beach was however worth it,

After a little picnic for both Miro and Bonga, a change of cloths for Miro (completely wet again due to playing hide and seek with the waves) we "climbed" back to our car, heading for another beach.

When we were here 2 years ago with Silke, we drove over Chapman's peak and saw the idyllic Houtbay bay from the mountain. We decided to go there, also as it was mentioned to be a safe beach with some nice shops and restaurants.
The beach was indeed nice, especially for childeren. It is located behind the harbour, so you do not have the direct waves from the sea. The water is calmer and less risky. We did not stay long at this one as Miro was hungry and the wind was getting colder.
As Houtbay is a harbour and we saw the fresh fish being brought to shore, we decided to try it out... and went to a place called Mariners Wharf. Based on the travel guide's description is looked like a very touristy place, but it was a great choice. The restaurant and staff were very child friendly and the food was great! You could taste that the fish was fresh... and the garlic butter they put on top of it... mmmmmmmmm.... If you ever come this way, you need to try it out.
It was so great that we went back the next day...
Miro was disappointed that we could not go back to the beach, so we had promissed here to go back on Sunday. This time we went straight to Houtbay, loaded with beah gear, blankets... This time a real beach family day...
Unfortunately, the clouds did not move over the 12 Apostel mountains, so it was a bit colder than Saturday. It did however not spoil the childerens fun. Miro loved the water and Bonga was happy sunbading in his maxi cosi...
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